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photo by Wintersville FD
photo by Wintersville FD
photo by OZinOH
photo by OZinOH
Truck struck by train, photo by Cleveland FD
photo by Cleveland FD
photo by Bryan FD
photo by Bryan FD
photo by Angela Netherland McBride
photo by Angela Netherland McBride
photo by Broadview Heights FD
photo by Broadview Heights FD
photo by Jenny Lewelling
photo by Jenny Lewelling
photo by Jack Street
photo by Jack Street
photo by Mark Bajek
photo by Mark Bajek
photo by Stephen B Wingate
photo by Stephen B Wingate
Pickaway County  was established in 1810 and it is located in the central region of the state. With a population of approximately 55,698, the county has a total area of 501 square miles, and the county seat is Circleville.
pickaway county ohio fire, fire departments in pickaway county, pickaway county oh fire stations, volunteer fire department, pickaway county ohio, pickaway fire station numbers, pickaway county fire jobs, pickaway county live dispatch, pickaway county fire departments, pickaway county ems, pickaway county ambulance

Help Needed  If you are a firefighter in Pickaway County, we need your help to verify the station information shown below is current and correct.

If you have any information to add to this section, please email us
Atlantic Emergency
used fire truck for sale
Air Vacuum
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Savin Livez
SM Smith Co
Husky Portable
photo by Lonnie Tennant
photo by Lonnie Tennant
photo by Willard FD
photo by Willard FD
Fire - EMS Departments  in  Pickaway County
Station Department Address City Phone
100 Circleville Fire Dept 586 North Court ST Circleville 740-474-3333
200 Pickaway Twp Fire Dept 579 Tarlton RD Circleville 740-474-7211
300 Southwest Pickaway Fire Dept 107 Green ST Williamsport 740-986-4019
371 Sterling Joint Ambulance District 24 South London ST Mount Sterling 740-869-2168
400 Scioto Twp Fire Dept   Commercial Point 614-877-9124
491 Tri County Joint Fire District 7 West Columbus ST Mount Sterling 740-869-2643
510 Clearcreek Twp Fire Dept      
550 Bloom Twp Fire Dept      
600 Pic-A-Fay Joint Fire Dept 17 North Church ST New Holland 740-495-5643
650 Laurelville Fire Dept      
700 Kingston Fire Dept      
800 Harrison Twp Fire Dept 3625 State Route 752 Ashville 740-983-4115
900 Tarlton Vol Fire Dept   Tarlton 740-477-2828
1000 Pickaway Plains EMS 1950 Stoneridge RD Circleville 740-474-7787
  BOX65 scene support PO Box 65 Circleville 614-206-0773
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Savin Livez
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