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photo by Wintersville FD
photo by Wintersville FD
photo by OZinOH
photo by OZinOH
Truck struck by train, photo by Cleveland FD
photo by Cleveland FD
photo by Bryan FD
photo by Bryan FD
photo by Angela Netherland McBride
photo by Angela Netherland McBride
photo by Broadview Heights FD
photo by Broadview Heights FD
photo by Jenny Lewelling
photo by Jenny Lewelling
photo by Jack Street
photo by Jack Street
photo by Mark Bajek
photo by Mark Bajek
photo by Stephen B Wingate
photo by Stephen B Wingate
Hocking County  was established in 1818 and it is located in the central region of the state. With a population of approximately 29,380, the county has a total area of 422 square miles, and the county seat is Logan.
hocking county ohio fire, fire departments in hocking county, hocking county oh fire stations, volunteer fire department, hocking county ohio, hocking fire station numbers, hocking county fire jobs, hocking county live dispatch, hocking county fire departments, hocking county ems, hocking county ambulance

Help Needed  If you are a firefighter in Hocking County, we need your help to verify the station information shown below is current and correct.

If you have any information to add to this section, please email us
Atlantic Emergency
used fire truck for sale
Air Vacuum
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Team Equipment
Gear Clean
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3 Decals
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Savin Livez
SM Smith Co
Husky Portable
photo by Lonnie Tennant
photo by Lonnie Tennant
photo by Willard FD
photo by Willard FD
Fire - EMS Departments  in  Hocking County
Station Department Address City Phone
1 Hocking County EMS 609 State Route 664 North Logan 740-385-0919
2 Hocking County EMS   Laurelville  
100 Washington Twp Fire Dept 15255 Berry RD Logan 740-385-8856
300 Logan Fire Dept 155 East Main ST Logan 740-385-2307
500 Starr Twp Vol Fire Dept   Union Furnace 740-385-4902
600 Laurelville Vol Fire Dept 19921 Thompson RD Laurelville 740-332-4691
700 Good Hope Twp Vol Fire Dept   Rockbridge 740-385-1390
800 Murray City Vol Fire Dept   Murray City 614-762-2362
900 Ward Twp Vol Fire Dept   Carbon Hill 740-753-1428
1000 Marion Twp Vol Fire Dept 7320 Zwickle RD Logan 740-385-0435
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Savin Livez
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